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Marinas in Kent United Kingdom
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Dover Marina

Dover Marina consists of three quality, scenic berthing areas that offer both tidal and non-tidal berthing: • Tidal Harbour with 114 berths offering 24-hour access (Depth 2.5 metres)• Wellington Dock offering 161 berths accessed via swing/lock bridge • Granville Dock offering 132 berths, accessible for 60% of the tidal cycle Dover, Kent, United Kingdom 51° 07' 08" N / 001° 18' 41" E
Gillingham Marina

Gillingham, Kent, United Kingdom
Medway Bridge Marina

Rochester Kent, United Kingdom 51° 22' 39" N / 000° 28' 46" E
Chatham Maritime Marina

Chatham Kent, United Kingdom 51° 23' 06" N / 000° 31' 12" E
Ramsgate Marina

The Port of Ramsgate features a 700 berth Royal Harbour Marina with facilities designed to meet the most discerning boaters. Ramsgate Kent, United Kingdom. 51° 19' 51" N / 001° 25' 09" E
Hotels in Kent