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Ghent Port Authority

Port of Ghent, Belgium
CBM Compagnie Belge de Manutention

Stevedores in Ghent, Belgium. Handling and storage of all dry bulk cargoes : coal, petcokes, cokes, minerals, fertilizer, ferro-alloys, scrap etc. and peat (link to Peltracom)
Sea-Tank Terminal

Stevedores in Ghent, Belgium. Storage of vegetable oils, animal fats, chemicals, oleo-chemicals, liquid fertilizers.
GCT Ghent Coal Terminal

Stevedores in Ghent, Belgium. Handling, storing, dry screening, blending, drying of all solid fuels. Washing, including cyclonic washer, wet screening and crushing of coal. Connected to rail and inland waterways. Biomass storage and handling facilities. Shed for drying coal.
GTS - Ghent Transport and Storage

GTS Ghent Transport and Storage a stevedoring company specialized in bulk cargo. 3 dedicated terminals: Middendok: Mineral fertilizers, Industrial minerals and Biomass. Kluizendok: Grains, Oilseeds and Grain derivatives. Fertigent: Liquid fertilizers.
Hotels in Gent